Consulting Services



Thermobaric explosive test

Dr. Baird is a consulting engineer for blast mitigation, ballistic threat defeat, and physical security. Several of his consultations have been with companies of the nuclear power electricity generating industry, electric utilities, and their suppliers. For example:

  • Blast mitigation and physical security: SI Concrete Systems, 2003; Kontek Industries, 2003–present; L & L Products, 2006; NextEraEnergy Resources (Seabrook Nuclear Station), 2004; Energy Northwest (Columbia Generating Station), 2004-2005; Southern Company (Southern Nuclear Plants Vogtle, Hatch, and Farley), 2006 – present; Master Engineers & Designers, 2013 – present; Dominion Resources/Virginia Power, 2014 – present.
  • Ballistic threat defeat: Kontek Industries, 2003-present; L & L Products, 2006; MoSci Corporation, 2009-2010; DefBar Systems, 2006- 2007; University of Kentucky, 2012; Dominion Resources/Virginia Power, 2014 – present.
  • Explosives Facility Operation: Talley Defense Systems, 2010.